package; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.hvdf.api.Sample; import com.mongodb.hvdf.channels.Channel; import com.mongodb.hvdf.util.HVDFChannelTest; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class IndexingTaskTest extends HVDFChannelTest{ public IndexingTaskTest() throws UnknownHostException { super(); } @Test public void shouldIndexAllCollections() throws Exception { String feedName = "feed1"; String channelName = "channel1"; String configPath = "plugin_config/indexing_task_all_channels.json"; Channel channel = getConfiguredChannel(configPath, feedName, channelName); pushDataToChannel(channel, "v", 5000, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Wait for the task to complete Thread.sleep(2000); // Get the collections for the feed DB feedDB = this.testClient.getDB(feedName); Set<String> collNames = feedDB.getCollectionNames(); assertEquals("Should have 5 data collections + system.indexes", 6, collNames.size()); for(String collName : collNames){ if(collName.equals("system.indexes") == false){ DBCollection coll = feedDB.getCollection(collName); List<DBObject> indexes = coll.getIndexInfo(); assertEquals("Should have _id index plus one additional", 2, indexes.size()); assertEquals("Should have data.v_1 index", indexes.get(1).get("name"), "data.v_1"); } } } @Test public void shouldIndexSomeCollections() throws Exception { String feedName = "feed2"; String channelName = "channel1"; String configPath = "plugin_config/indexing_task_skip_channels.json"; Channel channel = getConfiguredChannel(configPath, feedName, channelName); pushDataToChannel(channel, "v", 5000, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Wait for the task to complete Thread.sleep(2000); // Get the collections for the feed DB feedDB = this.testClient.getDB(feedName); Set<String> collNames = feedDB.getCollectionNames(); assertEquals("Should have 5 data collections + system.indexes", 6, collNames.size()); int indexedCount = 0; for(String collName : collNames){ if(collName.equals("system.indexes") == false){ DBCollection coll = feedDB.getCollection(collName); List<DBObject> indexes = coll.getIndexInfo(); if(indexes.size() == 2){ assertEquals("Should have data.v_1 index", indexes.get(1).get("name"), "data.v_1"); indexedCount++; } } } assertEquals("Should 3 indexed collections", 3, indexedCount); } private void pushDataToChannel(Channel channel, String field, int numSamples, int samplePeriod, TimeUnit unit) { long periodMs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(samplePeriod, unit); for(int i=0; i < numSamples; i++){ BasicDBObject sample = new BasicDBObject(Sample.TS_KEY, i*periodMs); sample.append(Sample.DATA_KEY, new BasicDBObject("v", i)); channel.pushSample(sample, false, new BasicDBList()); } } }